Intent-Based Marketing: Relevant & Potent Leads

intent-based marketing

We Turn Data Into Intelligence By Intent-based Marketing

Data & data insights are the foundation of Measurable Impact’s achievable marketing efforts to generate actual, high-quality leads for every client. 

Data insights refer to the deep understanding an individual or organisation gains from analysing information on a particular issue. This deep understanding helps organisations make better decisions than by relying on gut instinct.

For us,  data discovery and data insights are the same as gaining priceless knowledge that enables us to implement intent-based marketing to produce high-quality, purposeful leads.

What Is Intent-based Marketing & Why Do We Swear By It?

Targeting the right audience is a key to success in a competitive B2B market. Having the correct data is essential in making precise campaign decisions. But it is not enough. You need to give context to your data. That’s where intent comes in.

B2B marketing campaigns have longer sales cycles. So it makes sense to connect with customers who are really interested in your product. While researching online, the customer’s search intent may vary depending on where they are in the sales cycle.

  • A navigational search intent means that a customer is just browsing for information and doesn’t know much about your product and offerings.
  • An informational search intent means the users are looking for specific answers through your content.
  • Transactional search intent means they are intending to buy the product. These can be activities such as adding to the cart, email signups, phone calls, and more.

For B2B marketers, intent data can help to create relevant and contextual content around their business and customer needs.

The information gathered allows you to understand what your target audience is searching for at each stage of the customer journey. Intent data can also help B2B marketers create an in-depth marketing persona and understand customer pain points.

Using data-enriched intent-based marketing, we focus your advertising efforts on customers whose online behaviour suggests a willingness to buy your product or service.

With B2B intent data that makes use of data insights, we discover the products or services that your target market is researching online, allowing us to plan and carry out  our campaigns and improve our marketing initiatives.

As an illustration, suppose data insights tell us that one of your target accounts is researching your competitor’s business. This data enrichment intelligence, allows us to shrewdly allocate additional programmatic advertising spending to this account. Furthermore, your banner advertising would say something like “A superior and more affordable alternative to your competitor’s product or service.”

This will encourage users from that account to click the banner ad and possibly become your customers in the future.With intent-based marketing that uses data insights, we can suggest spending more money on a section of your target market that is more likely to make a purchase. Using research-based data discovery we can generate higher-quality leads for you, which will increase your conversion rates.

B2B Purchase Intent Will Help You Gain The Trust Of Your Sales Team

B2B  Intent data will help you win the confidence of your sales team. Our high-quality leads generated through data enrichment, and data-driven,  intent marketing are ready for dialogue with sales. Salespeople aren’t cheap, and every conversation spent with someone who has low purchase intent is a waste of resources. Leads, generated using data insights, who are interested in your product are evidence of perfect alignment between marketing and sales teams.

As you demonstrate your impact over their pipeline, our marketing strategy helps you win the trust of the sales team and improve the relationship between sales and your internal marketing team.

In marketing, There Are Two Main Places To Get Data Enrichment From:

  • Internal information, including website activity and campaign activities
  • External data, such as activity on external platforms by your prospects.

External data is the main area of interest for B2B data enrichment, and intent-based marketing. We can also discover what your target market is searching for on other websites thanks to intent data and data insights. Sixty-seven per cent of B2B buyers research products online before making a decision.

Using Intent Marketing

Can you imagine keeping an eye on your prospects’ computers and monitoring exactly what they enter into Google? This sounds like a gold mine.

Though it’s not very invasive, B2B data enrichment, intent-based marketing does offer us access to the search themes of your target population.

If a member of your target audience searches for a specific subject, we use this data discovery &   data insight to produce leads. Based on the study objective of an account, we can utilise this to target social media material.

Based on the topics an account is studying, this information can also be utilised to modify content syndication white papers. This will increase the possibility that members of your target audience will download the content. Naturally, this will increase conversions and provide highly targeted leads.

Costs For Marketing Will Drop With Intent-based Advertising.

Budgets for marketing are usually limited. The money you have at your disposal needs to be used wisely.

Targeting B2B buyers early in the buying process can keep your brand at top of the mind of the consumers. With data insights, we target advertising efforts at consumers who are likely to make a purchase thereby generating higher RoI on the marketing spending. In actuality, this means that you will be able to accomplish your business objectives on a tighter budget. The remaining funds might be used for other marketing initiatives to surpass your goals.

Effective B2B incident data marketers are not satisfied when they achieve their aim. Your goal should be to outperform and add the most value possible to your company.

Intent-based marketing has a higher cost per lead than, for instance, conventional content syndication efforts.

Why Then Will It Lower Your Marketing Expenses?

Mainly because the leads we produce will be of a higher calibre. Consider that 1000 leads are required to earn $100k in revenue. You might just need 500 leads with focused marketing using intent data to get the same $100k.

Campaigns Are More Successful When They Use Intent-based Marketing.

We practise straightforward B2B data enrichment intent-based marketing. For instance, we want particular ad groups to appear when consumers search for particular keywords when we choose the keywords for Search Engine Advertising. One of the most basic types of intent-based marketing is this.

Programmatic advertising, a more sophisticated form of intent-based targeting, is the next level up.

You can, for instance, use programmatic advertising to show consumers dynamic ads based on the content they are now reading. Additionally, you can only choose to display adverts once visitors have read a particular number of articles.

When there is a greater buying intent, raising your bid for the ad space might make sense. This is entirely automatic with programmatic advertising, and it serves as a fantastic illustration of intent-based targeting.

Your money can only be used once. What would you do, then, if you could only spend money on those who had the intention to buy?

Intent Data And Account-Based Marketing

Where Do We Receive Information About Intent Marketing?

Some businesses examine customers’ digital traces. They gather information on the internet material the user is accessing. Consider metrics like product reviews, website traffic, time spent on pages, website content topics, and whitepaper downloads.

However, there is a lot of raw data here. Here is where businesses begin to set themselves apart.

For B2B businesses, account-based marketing is a popular and successful tactic. We target specific target accounts for marketing efforts using ABM.

It is incredibly effective to use intent data in account-based marketing! Imagine being able to pinpoint the subjects that your target accounts are looking up. They might be looking at one of your business’s competitors or a comparable subject.

Now we can really target this account with our marketing efforts. ensuring that messages are extremely pertinent to their current research questions. Compared to broad-based messaging, the likelihood of obtaining leads and converting them is significantly higher.

It’s a big deal! For marketers, raw data holds no value as it involves the herculean task of going through billions of worthless data points in an effort to find patterns in consumer behavior. Thankfully, data intelligence companies can transform this raw data into intelligent data that can be effectively used in marketing. In order to make the data relevant for us advertisers, they use algorithms to identify behavioural trends. The future of marketing is intent-based.

Companies will continue to gather more and more data. The algorithms will improve so that we can interpret the data more effectively. As a result, we as marketers can run incredibly successful marketing campaigns for clients like you. Customers are more receptive to speaking with your sales when they have problems. High-quality B2B leads will be produced by combining intent-based marketing and other digital marketing efforts.